Andrew is cruising

drewcool.jpgJuly 17: Andrew is ever-adorable, and he’s such a fun baby today!  On Friday, Andrew and Bryan took a trip to Madison’s new public pool for some splashing fun.  We went to the pool once before with our baby friends, and Andrew was pretty uncertain about the whole idea.  Bryan said that he clung very tightly to him, and it wasn’t until he sat in the shallows for a while before he started to have some fun.
New things that he’s up to these days:

  • A new tooth, his seventh, has popped through on the upper left…associated with lots of drooling
  • Andrew has started cruising on furniture, and he’ll sometimes take faltering steps when holding on to hands.  What I find a bit more amazing, though, is how he’ll sometimes let go of a chair or table and balances standing for 5-10 seconds
  • Andrew’s curly hair continues to curl and curl.  I think it is SO CUTE!
  • We’ve been doing some baby signs with Andrew, and he’s starting to pick up on a couple.  In the last few days, I think he’s been doing the signs for diaper and for eat.  Still only saying words like “duck” and “quack quack” and “mama” and “dada” and “bye bye.”  Andrew’s sign for “all done” continues to be chucking all food and cups off his tray.

Photos from the last couple weeks are in the gallery.