Andrew’s gaining new skills

slide.jpgJuly 5: Now that he’s a year old, Andrew has taken on a few new activities.  On Monday, June 26, Andrew had his 12-month doctor’s visit.  He tipped the scales at 21 lbs, 3 oz and measured 30 inches.  That’s 14 lbs and 11 inches bigger than he was when he joined the breathing world a year ago!
Among other questions, Dr. Harnish asked if Andrew was putting objects in boxes.  Our answer was no…he’s great at taking things out of boxes, but nothing goes back in.  On Friday, July 2, Bryan and Andrew spent some time playing with nesting boxes, and Andrew learned both how to put things in a box and how to stack boxes on top of each other.  When he stacks them, he smiles and waves his hands about…waiting for applause.
Tonight he started saying “ba” in reference to a ball.  A new word!

Photos are the gallery from Maretta’s 21st birthday, and a trip to the park with our friends Jessica and Eli.  Andrew experienced his first playground slide.  I think he’ll be coming back for more.