Chemo treatments are staying the course

March 12: Mom had her second round of chemo on Tuesday, March 7.
She was scheduled to go to Mayo for a consultation with an oncologist there on March 3, but at the last minute, we found out that the insurance didn’t go through. So she’s currently going through an appeal process, and in the meantime, she’s proceeding with the clinical trial protocol.  At some point, she’ll go back up to Mayo to have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Farnell and hopefully also get a consult with an oncologist there.

Mom’s post-surgery chemo protocol calls for two weeks of chemo followed by one week off.  So she had treatments on Feb. 14 and 21, had the 28th off, and had another treatment on March 7.  She said that her main side effect is fatigue a couple days later.  She’s scheduled for treatment on March 14, 28, and April 4.  We thought she was supposed to have 15 rounds of post-surgery chemo, but according to the arm of the clinical trial that she’s assigned to, she’s just suppposed to have six treatments.  Not sure if that’s a good things since she’ll have less icky treatments or a bad thing because more treatments would be more effective.

Yesterday Mom and Andrew and I went shopping for the afternoon and then spent the evening togehter.  It was a great day.  Beautiful weather and fun in every respect.  Plus we got a great coat for mom and some cute clothes for Andrew!