Working on pushing up

March 12: Andrew is so much fun!!  He’s laughing and reaching and is engaging more and more with the people and objects around him.  Photos in this week’s gallery include playing with April and visiting with Alex and Clara…friends from my office.
We had an Oscar-watching party last weekend, which was great fun, and the past couple days have been warm and full of the promise of spring.  We saw and heard a large flock of sandhill cranes fly over our house yesterday. Spring is on the way!  Here’s a website with some nice quotes about spring.
Andrew is getting more and more adventurous with food.  He started eating Cheerios last weekend, and I think that was a major turning point in his experience with solid food.  He loves focusing intently to pick up each Cheerio and then to carefully try to maneuver the part of his hand holding the tasty morsel into his mouth.  His success rate is at about 1 in mouth out of 4 attempted.
Andrew’s solid foods don’t gag him when they’re not totally smooth this week, and he’s starting to enjoy mashed carrots, avocado, and little pieces of fruit and tofu.  The little guy is sitting next to me as I type, and I imagine he’s saying “Hi to all!”