Mom’s post-surgery chemo regime has begun

Feb 27: It’s almost six weeks since Mom’s successful surgery, and she is well on the road to recovery.  So far along the road, in fact, that she started her post-surgery chemo regime on Valentine’s Day.  She is scheduled to get an infusion of gemcitabine every two out of three Tuesdays for 15 weeks. I think she said that put her at finishing in June.  The 28th will be her first week off.  During her first week of treatment, Mom had some negative side effects, mostly relating to headaches and racing pulse.  She went into the clinic for infusions of saline on Friday, and by Saturday she was feeling better.
On Friday, March 3, Mom is going to be heading back to Mayo for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Farnell and with an oncologist there.  I’ll let you know what they say! 
We’re on to the next phase of treatment…and Mom is doing a fabulous job.