Ahh…a vacation in Texas

P1010002.jpgFeb. 26: We’re just back from a lovely visit to Texas where we moved in with Bryan’s parents for the week.  Andrew’s day care provider went on vacation, so we decided to modify our planned weekend trip to Texas to a full week.  Ben and Melanie came down from Dallas for the weekend, and we really enjoyed our brief visit with them.

Photos from our trip are available in the gallery.  Andrew came down with a head-cold on Monday, and he spent most of the week coughing and sneezing.  But he was happy even so. Granny Lu earned her wings or super-hero status or some level of sainthood by getting up early every morning with Andrew so Bryan and I could sleep in.  I think it worked out well for everyone.

Bryan and his dad got to golf one day, and we ended our visit by getting to see several of Bryan’s parent’s friends.  I’m really glad that they had an opportunity to share their grandbaby with their friends!

I also posted a few photos of Andrew on Valentine’s Day.  He had a great time eating some of his Valentines:)  And now it’s almost March!  The days are getting longer…