Mom gets to start a liquid diet today

Jan. 14, 10:30 am: Mom is sitting up in her bed, wearing her new aqua sweater, and looking great.  She’s taken a nice long walk this morning, played with her little grandson as he played at the foot of her bed, and took a good nap.

Dr. Farnell, his resident Dr. Thompson, and medical student Eduardo Terra Lucas stopped by at 8 this morning (in their snazzy suits and ties as all Mayo doctors dress).  Dr. Farnell sounded really pleased with Mom’s recovery.  They’ve removed one of her IV drips, and she’s not taking much morphine these days.  Dr. Farnell said Mom could start on a liquid diet to see how her new intestinal system is working.  After not having anything to eat or drink since Tuesday noon (that’s 4 days!) I think she’s thinking that sipping something even if it’s just Gatorade might be nice.

We’re having a changing of the guard today.  Our friend Jack is flying his plane up to Rochester today to visit Mom.  Joe is driving up for the weekend.  Maretta is heading home for a day, Dad is heading home until Tuesday or Wednesday, and Andrew and I are heading home for the week.  At this point, we’re guessing that Mom might get discharged on the 21st.  Mom will have to heal without the ministrations of Dr. Andrew for the week.  But she’ll be back in his care when she returns to Madison.  I’m kind of sad to be leaving.  Things have gone so well during our time here.

Between all the great news we’ve received and spending time with my family, it’s almost been fun!  While I’m away, I’ll get updates from those who are here, and I’ll continue to post reports on Mom’s recovery.

Mom sends her profound thanks to everyone for their prayers and good wishes.