Galloping to recovery

Jan. 13, 3:00 pm: Mom came up with the title of this post for me.  Michael, Maretta, Andrew, Mom, and I are all hanging out in Mom’s room.  Andrew is lying at the foot of Mom’s bed and is currently plying with her hospital bracelets.  He’s coo-ing and goo-ing and his little fingers are wiggling around in the air.
Mom has taken three walks so far today.  All increasing in distance.  She’s not using the walking support that she used yesterday, and she is smilng quite a bit.  (But NOT laughing.  It is not nice to make someone who has just had abdominal surgery laugh!)  This morning when Dr. Thompson came by, he said Mom didn’t need to be on oxygen any more.  He also OK’d moving her three IVs from her arms to her groshong.  Having lots less tape and tubes on her arms helps!  Maretta rubbed lotion on Mom’s hands and arms to get any residual tape off.
An oncologist came in this morning and talked to Mom and Dad.  They are going to set up an appointment when they come back to Mayo for her follow-up appointment.
Mom is still sleeping and resting lots.  I spent a while today reading her many of the emails people have sent her (in care of me) over the last few days.  I’ve had several people ask about what Mom’s mailing address is. Click on “read more” to access it.  Like she said, she is “galloping to recovery!”  Thanks for your continued concern:)

Margot Babler
St. Mary’s Hospital
Patient Care Unit – Francis 2C
1216 Second Street SW
Rochester, MN 55902