Mom continues to improve

mom_head.jpgJan 15, 10:30 am:   I’ve been trying to think of some amazing new content to post, since Mom has so many web-watching well-wishers.  But fortunately, news from Mayo is pretty quiet.  Dad and I drove home yesterday.  Joey drove up to Mayo (and we saw him on the interstate!).  Maretta went to Madison with some friends yesterday, and she is returning to Mayo again today.  Mom took a bunch of long walks yesterday(she’s exploring the whole hospital floor).  She’s continuing to sip her Gatorade.  Her number of tubes continues to decrease, and amidst lots of naps, she’s begun knitting and sitting up more.  This morning Mom told me that she’s doing better and better and that she thanks everyone for their continued thoughts and support.
Uploaded a final installment of photos from Mayo including several of Mom I took on Saturday.