24 hours past surgery and no complications

5:35 pm: After two walks and lots of resting, we are all celebrating the 24 hours post-surgery mark.  She surprised us all by taking Andrew and holding him this morning.  Just a little while ago, she was up and sitting in a chair in her room.  So we all think she is doing wonderfully.  Pain management is going alright…Mom said she feels like it’s the day after major surgery.  She has three IVs and assorted other tubes and items connected to her (I count 11!), and I think she is more than ready for at least some of those to go away.  She is a great patient, though. Hopefully all the walking she did today will help speed healing and make some of the tubes and tape and wires unnecessary.
Terry, Tom, and Joey are driving home this evening.  That’ll leave me and Dad and Michael and Maretta here (oh, and Andrew too) on Friday.  I’m so glad to be able to continue to report that Mom is doing well.  In fact, she is doing great!