It’s a new day, and Mom is doing well

Jan. 12 at 10:10 am: It’s 18 hours after her surgery, and Mom continues to do well.  She’s been sleeping lots, which is what her body needs right now.  Dad stayed with her through the night, and he said she did well.  They mostly slept amidst the hourly check-ups by the nursing staff.

This morning at 9 am Dr. Farnell and company came in to see Mom.  Dr. Farnell said the surgery went as well or better than he had hoped.  He said they were able to completely remove the tumor and that Mom’s condition is good.  They removed two lymph nodes during the surgery, and both of them came back negative for cancer.  Yay!!

They transfused three units of blood while she was in surgery, so today I’m thinking about finding a place to donate blood to help someone else.

I asked Dr. Farnell if he encountered difficulty with the collateral veins that we had heard about from Dr. Matzke.  Dr. Farnell said that he didn’t see any big collateral veins near the SMV, and apparently they weren’t an issue during surgery.  It’s really amazing that all the concerns and issues that the surgeons were concerned about haven’t proved to be problems.

The nurses came by a bit ago and said they were going to get Mom up for a walk.  Yikes!  I doubt that will be a good experience for Mom.  All on the road to making her feel better, though.

And that’s the news for now…   ~Althea