First trip to the dentist

dentist.JPGJuly 16: Yesterday, Andrew had his first dentist appointment.  We’d been practicing at home to get him ready.  I’d be the dentist, and he’d be the patient.  I’d call his name and then lead him back to a chair which I’d pretend made lots of noise and lifted him up and down and back.  Then I put some baby spoons on a plate and use them to count his teeth.  Then I took out my power toothbrush and used it to polish his teeth.
Andrew was pretty jazzed about his first big dentist appointment, and he did a marvelous job.  They even actually scraped his teeth and flossed.  He looked so little sitting in the big dentist’s chair with his feet coming down to the middle of the chair!  The hygienist has a three-year-old, and she was really nice.  It was one of those heart-fluttering experiences, watching Andrew follow their instructions, talking to the dentist, and doing just what they asked.  I’m so very proud of that little man.