Our day

greenleaves.JPGJuly 16: It’s hot today.  Nearly 90 degrees.  I currently have the ice cream maker cranking away on a new batch of cake batter ice cream.  Yum.  I have some iced coffee concentrate brewing on the counter.  I am considering starting a batch of some amazing-looking chocolate sorbet that I saw today.
“How is this possible?” you may wonder, when I have two small, quite needy children right here.  The secret:

Andrew is napping.  It hasn’t happened in weeks.  But here he is, napping for over an hour.  And Sylvia isn’t napping, but she’s content.  And pretty hot.  And she DID NOT want me to read books to her.  And she DOES NOT want to lie down in her crib.  But she is pretty happy sitting in her seat next to me as I cook (and now as I post), so that’s a nice thing.

We spent the morning at Jessica’s house.  They are moving in a mere two weeks (just a mile or two from us), and so I went over with the idea of helping her pack or helping watch her kids while she packed.  Silly notions:)  She did get a closet and dresser packed, but four kids is a lot of kids.  And we left the house looking like it was pummeled by a fierce storm.  Oh well!  We all had fun.

Photos may be forthcoming. (11:45pm update:  Here they are!)