You give me fever

sickbaby.jpgMay 12:  Andrew was a sick boy today.  Even with a good dose of medicine, his fever was in the 102-104 range.  He was so sleepy and cuddly, and HOT.  Several times today, he fell asleep in my arms.  I am very thankful today for DVDs.  Back in January when he was sick, and then again today, I’ve found that there is no better way to get through some tough hours.  When I tried to read to him, he would find a reason to sob (I turned the page wrong, I picked up a bad book, I asked him what the animal says).  He watched Animals are Beautiful People and both Fantasia movies.  When his medicine kicked in, he would come over and ask to read.  I felt like watching his shows let his mind tune out and helped him feel maybe a little less miserable.  If only there were numbing treatments like that for life’s larger crises.  “Wake me when it’s over,” one could say.
Before supper, Andrew and I took a stroller ride, and he was clearly feeling a lot better.  I’m hoping he wakes up in the morning feeling more like himself.  And I’m also hoping that Bryan and I don’t come down with it!  It doesn’t look like much fun!