Rhubarb pie and a pouty bottom lip

rhubarbpie.jpgMay 12: I never got around to posting last weekend, but I wanted to share the story of Andrew helping me to make a rhubarb pie.  We were out in the yard, and I decided to pick some rhubarb.  Andrew was quite a sight as he purposely tromped back to the house, holding two big, leafy rhubarb stalks in each hand.  He loves to help, and he was a good helper as I chopped up the rhubarb.  I gave him some pieces of rhubarb dipped in sugar, and he gobbled them up.  Then he started pulling handfuls of raw rhubarb and eating them too.  He helped me stir up the pie mixture, and he nearly ate the pie crust by diving into it, mouth open.  I had to feed him niblets to keep him from taking a handful out of the middle of the topped pie.  He seemed to enjoy the cooked version (along with Michael’s custard) as much as he liked helping to make it.
You might also enjoy seeing a picture of Andrew’s pouting lip.  He has begun folding his bottom lip out whenever he is unhappy, and it’s so cute, it’s hard not to smile.
Pictures from the last couple weeks are in the gallery.