
May 12: For the last six months, Andrew’s leaving-the-tub routine involves Bryan or myself making up a baby burrito to wrap Andrew in.  In the last week, we’ve stopped doing bath time burritos, so I wanted to record that routine for posterity since it was such as constant in our lives.
It all starts with the towel (the tortilla).  As bath time wraps up, Andrew would announce (rolling his “r”s) “Brrito!”  Brandishing the towel, one of us would lay it down on the floor and ask Andrew what should go on this burrito.  Andrew has a pretty standard ingredient list.  Once upon a time, prompted by us, he put beans, cheese, onions, or sour cream on the tortilla.  The final ingredient is always a baby.  That’s why it is a baby burrito.
These days, he’s gotten much simpler and more bizarre.  Andrew always requests beans.  And usually rice.  And onions.  Then more beans and more onions.  More onions.  More onions. More onions.  “Andrew, we’re out of onions…what else?”  “Oranges!” “Oranges?  That’s a funny thing to go on a burrito, oh well, oranges it is.   What else?”  “Onions!”  “We’re out of onions, honey, what else?” “Beans!”  “OK, beans on the burrito.  What else.”  “Beans!”  “OK, beans. What else goes on the baby burrito?”  “Beans!”  “Out of beans, hon.  What else?”  “BABY!”  “Excellent, my favorite part!  A baby goes in the burrito. Wrap him up tight.  Mmmm good.  Who wants a delicious baby burrito?”
Recently, other strange toppings include milk, lots of oranges (including an orange on top), burger, butter, and water.  The game was getting excessively long, and Andrew often didn’t want Mommy to do it.  “Daddy do it.  DADDY DO IT!”  So I have started holding out the towel and asking him to be a horse and jump into the towel.  How quickly the burrito has been forgotten. Tonight when he was done with his tubby time, he said “Horsey, towel.  Jump.”