Differences of opinion

Nov. 6: Andrew is rapidly growing into a little boy.  A little boy with Opinions.  For example, this evening, my little boy had an opinion about the state of the items on his bedroom shelves.  “Off the shelves” was his thought.  Therefore, all the board books, the paper books, the toys, the stuffies, everything was forcibly removed from the shelves to the floor. He accomplished this with rapid sweeps of his arm.
“Off the shelves,” you could almost see his little mind saying.

Now his mama who was sitting in the room with him had other thoughts.
“Read a book,” she thought. “Play with Noah’s ark,” was another thought.  “Let’s be silly and roll around on the floor,” was a third. But to these vapid suggestions, the little boy with Opinions said gently but firmly, “Nonono.”  The directive that we don’t treat our toys so roughly and wildly chuck our toys around the room was met with a rather obstinate and definitely negative response.

I guess the Mama is continuing to learn that her little boy has his own ways of playing with toys and the little boy is learning that sometimes reading books with the Mama is at least as fun as causing widespread room destruction.

The End