Enjoying these fall days

inabox.jpgOct. 29:  We have had a remarkably lovely set of weekends this fall.

Seems like more often than not, week days are gray and rainy, but then on the weekend we have great weather.  We just had Granny Lu and Grandad come visit us, and we had a great time.  It’s so nice to spend time together and to watch Andrew develop fun rituals with his grandparents.  I have a few pictures in the gallery from their visit.

A couple weekends ago I spent the day on Saturday visiting with Heather and Michael, who had come to town to plant a tree at her parent’s house in memory of baby Allan.  It felt good to see them again.  My heart is so heavy with them…

On Sunday, Oct. 15, Bryan and Andrew and I took a family field trip out to Door Creek Apple Orchard and then off to the zoo.  Andrew had a great time seeing some sheep at the apple orchard.  Then at the zoo, he was pretty entranced by most of the animals.  Pictures of the orchard and zoo trips are in our gallery.

I think that I neglected to post a link to our gallery of pictures of the weekend we went to the pumpkin patch with Andrew.  Our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm – Vermont Valley Community Farm – has several farm days.  We missed most of them this year, but earlier this month we made it to the pumpkin pick.  Andrew sure was cute, stumbling around the field.  Afterwards, we got him his first pair of hard-soled shoes.  Pictures of the pumpkin pick are in the gallery.

Last weekend we went up to St. Paul to see Maretta in her play, The Haunting of Hill House.  She was terrific, and it was so fun to see her in action.  We had a nice visit with her and with Kyle.  We rounded off the weekend with a trip to the Underwater Adventures Aquarium.  I especially liked the underwater tunnel where you could see sharks, turtles, and all sorts of cool sea creatures swim around us.  I think, however, that I was a bit more impressed than Andrew.

Bryan is out raking leaves now, and I should probably dig up my dahlia and plant some tulip bulbs!  Happy fall!