Andrew’s six week update

P7280006.JPGAugust 4: It’s been a fun week!  Little Andrew is becoming ever more aware of his surroundings, and he’s really starting to make eye contact and to be entranced by toys and wall hangings and lights.  He smiled at me last weekend for the first time, but that miracle hasn’t yet repeated itself.  The photo on the right captures a fleeting sleep-smile…a nice idea of what smiles-to-come might look like.  I added about 20 photos of Andrew this week to the gallery.
In the past few days he has started “talking” a bit by saying ah-goo.  He’s staying awake for hours at a time and spends quite a bit of that time interested in the world around him.  The rest of the awake time is eating and fussing and getting his diaper changed.
Last week Andrew hit some sort of a growth spurt, and it felt like he ate constantly!  I think he wanted to nurse every 20 minutes.  His night feedings were close together too.  But it just lasted a few days.
Last night he slept from 10-2 and then from 2:30 to 4:30 and then from 5 to 7.  That’s been about his standard sleep/wake cycle except that the first chunk is getting longer.  He used to wake up at midnight, but these days he’s sleeping for 3-4 hours straight, which feels incredible.  I almost felt like getting up for the day at 2 am:)
We weighed him at our mother/baby hour at Happy
on Tuesday, and he came in at 11 lbs, 1 oz.  I checked out a growth chart, and that puts him at the mean weight for his age (see a growth chart).  We measured him, and I think he’s 21 or 21.5 inches long.  He’s on the shorter side for his age, coming in at the 25 percentile.
We’ve been pretty busy this past week.  Yesterday we went to Olbrich gardens with a few friends from our mom-baby group and then had them over to our house for lunch.  We went to Concert on the Square both last Wednesday and this Wednesday.  This afternoon we drove down to Monroe so Grandma and Grandpa Babler could meet little Andrew.  See here for fun photos.
On Friday we go to Jack’s house on the Wisconsin River for the weekend.
We’re really looking forward to it!  That’s Andrew’s six week
update.  Have a great week:)
~Althea Six week update

By now roughly half of all babies recognize their parents and openly prefer Mom and Dad to strangers. Your baby may actually smile when she sees you and coo and kick with pleasure.

In general, she’s become more sensitive to her surroundings. If you ring a bell, she’ll respond in some way by starting, crying, or even quieting. She’s beginning to take a real interest in music, whether it’s you singing to her or classical music coming from the radio. She notices things more acutely, too — staring intently at a plush toy, for instance, placed in front of her. For parents, it’s a gratifying experience, especially coming as it does after weeks of diapering, feeding, bathing, kissing,
and cuddling with little response.