Relay for Life

acs1.gifHello everyone.  This is Joe, Althea’s youngest brother.
Since those reading this website have recently been touched by my mother’s illness, I thought you might be the people to ask for some help.  On August 12, the American Cancer Society is holding a large fundraiser at my high school’s track.  The Relay for Life is an 18 hour event where team members walk around the track from 6 pm to noon the following day.  The community comes together to hold candle light vigils, celebrations for survivors, and other activities in memory or support of someone with cancer.  This year, I joined our National Honors Society’s Relay for Life team.  As a group, we raise money, which we then donate to the American Cancer Society.  This is where you come in.

Donations of 10 or 20 dollars would be greatly appreciated.
Checks can be made out to the American Cancer Society.  Please send whatever you’re willing to give to this address:

Joseph Babler
4575 Dennis Drive
Madison, WI 53704

For more information on Relay for Life, go to

This event takes place on August 12th, and thank you in advance for your support.
~Joe Babler