August 4 Update: Chemo side-effects not bad

Mom finished her second round of chemotherapy on Friday (July 29).  She went into the clinic every morning for 2-4 hours of infusion.  They decreased the concentration of the chemo drugs from the first round, and that’s meant that this week the side-effects are much less debilitating than they were for round one.  She’s been experiencing some nausea and fatigue, but those effects seem quite manageable.  Mon-Wed. this week she went into the clinic for infusions of saline to help her body flush the chemo drugs and help her feel perkier.
She’s up and about and is planning on participating in our annual pilgrimage out to Jack’s house on the Wisconsin River this weekend.  I’m sure to have lots of photos from that trip sometime next week.
Mom has a break from her treatments until August 22.  Then she starts radiation in combination with continuous infusion of chemo.  That takes place daily for six weeks (through September).  More details to come on that new adventure as we get closer.  In the meantime, Mom should be feeling increasingly better.  Just in time to enjoy these last lovely weeks of pure summer.