Some of my favorite things

March 5: Here are a few things that make me happy:

  • SmartWool socks.  All day, every day.  Thin ones, thick ones…  They keep me warm and they are made of magic.  My SmartWool long underwear is my new favorite piece of clothing.  I wear it nearly every day.  And at last, it’s winter and I’m warm!
  • Kosher salt.  I have mine in a bowl on the counter, and I love being able to reach in and grab a pinch to season food.  I like the tactile nature of it; the way it makes cooking feel.  When I boil pasta, I grab a spoon and scoop out a generous spoonful to salt the water.  Makes my pasta taste oh, so good.
  • Homemade vanilla lattes.  I don’t get to coffee shops much at all anymore (sniff), but most mornings, I make myself a latte with my Areolatte milk frother and some vanilla syrup.
  • Netflix.
    Bryan and I don’t have cable, and we watch TV almost only for football (Bryan) and red carpet events (me).  However, we do watch a lot of shows with Netflix. We just finished a couple seasons of Lost, and next we’re going to watch Battlestar Galactica.  I think another Deadwood has been released, and we’re really enjoyed some of the Masterpiece Theater BBC shows.
  • The NieNie blog.
    I ran across this blog several months ago.  It’s written by a woman…a great writer…with four small children.  She’d been big in the blogosphere for quite some time, writing about the magic of life and the wonderful in the ordinary.  Then she and her husband were in a plane crash that killed the pilot and burned something like 80% of her body.  She’s recovered enough to begin posting again, and I find her story so compelling.  It makes me appreciate life a little more.  Today’s post made me cry.
  • Talking with friends on the phone.  Jessica called as I was writing this post, and my face now has a big smile on it, and I feel good from laughing.  I’m so very glad to have friends!

Sylvie took a long, long nap this morning (2 hours, baby!!).  That also makes me really happy.  She’s making stirring noises right now.  Here I come, my love!

So now tell me, what are some of your favorite things?