Wednesday morning – fever and markers

March 4: Sylvie came down with a fever.  She was cranky yesterday…I thought teething.  But last night she was up a lot, and this morning she was warm.  So I took her temperature, and it was a bit over 100 degrees.  I’m bracing for another stuffy nose cold.  We’ve been disease-free for nearly a month.  One glorious month of not wiping noses or rocking sick kids through the night.  Now, I’m ready to dive back in.  I’m ready.  I’m ready.
While Miss Sylvia takes a much-needed nap (good gracious was she in an angry mood), Andrew has been writing in a workbook.  He’s so excited to trace words and do mazes and read a little.
On one page of the writing workbook, there was a picture of a skunk.  Andrew didn’t know how to spell skunk, so he went into this room, and he found his animal bingo game.  He brought it out to the living room, and pulled out the chips until he found the skunk.  Then he carefully copied down the word “skunk” into his workbook with a pink marker.  That kid never ceases to amaze.

Last night I did a seasonal decoration change.  All the snowmen and polar bears and snowflakes have returned to the basement.  In their place, I have my almost-spring decorations…St. Patrick’s Day, picture frames, and colorful boxes.
I’ve got really old pictures in some of the frames, and I think I’m going to try to pick some more recent pics to replace them.

Hark!  I hear a cardinal singing his spring song!  That’s a sound that brings a smile to my face.

Have a great day!