A little spring in my kitchen

March 7: Right around this time of year I get a ache in my heart for green.  Perhaps that’s one of the reasons that St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite (aside from Christmas) holiday.  You pour on the green and rainbows and silliness just when I need it most.
It’s been above freezing and/or raining for the last couple days, and the thick piles of snow are shrinking.  As I walked Andrew to preschool yesterday, the water pouring down the street into the storm drains sounded like a mountain stream burbling, gurgling and splashing.  The kids and I pulled our stroller up from the basement yesterday, and we inaugurated the season of going for walks by heading straight to Java Cat for a cake batter gelato.

It’s still going to be a few weeks until there’s much hope of bulbs emerging from the frozen ground (see pics from Jessica’s garden on March 31 last year), and I need flowers now.
So last week the kids and I went to Jung’s Garden Center to see out hope. We came back home with a pot of hyacinths, just coming out of the dirt.  It’s been wonderful to watch them come alive and bloom on my kitchen table.
And the smell…oh the sent of spring!  It’s enough to make me wiggle like my dearly departed dog, April would when she saw someone she loved.  Head to toe glee.  Bryan got me some perfume for Valentine’s Day this year.  It’s call Shedonism by Origins, and to me, it smells like spring.  I’ve been putting it on before bed every night to give me good dreams.
Since computer smell-o-vision hasn’t been developed yet, you’ll have to use your imagination, but I hope these photos helps bring thoughts of spring a bit closer to you too. Here’s a high resolution version of the above photo for you to use on your desktop or anywhere it might make you happy.