MP3 conversion complete (mostly)

Oct. 24: After working on it for weeks, I’ve completed copying all our CDs to the computer so I can listen to them on our new iPod.  We’ve got 4,300 songs – 15GB.  I’ll want to do our Christmas music too, but that’s all in the basement.  Now in my quest to fulfill my obsessive compulsive tendencies, I’m going to spend lots of time tweaking the genres, making sure the album artwork is all there, and making play lists.
We’re already having lots of fun re-discovering all our music and listening to lots of things we haven’t heard in ages.
Thank goodness for Andrew’s help through all the CD ripping.  He got very good at swapping out CDs, and he’d call out to tell me what track number they were on and how many tracks it had to go.  It was a good math experince for the little guy:)
Oh, by the way, Andrew is in love with the iPhone.  He plays with Terry’s all the time, and he’s been having fun with Melanie’s too.  It’s so funny to watch him quickly navigate his way through the screens.  The boy knows what he’s doing.  But one must keep an eye on him to ensure that he doesn’t unintentionally make a purchase!