Cherokee outing with Dad

dadandandrew.JPGOct. 24: On October 12, we met Dad for lunch at Rocky’s followed by a hike out at Cherokee Marsh.  It was stunningly, beautifully perfect.  The color!  It was the kind of day that superlatives are made for.
Andrew had fun looking for lady bugs and nuts and sticks.  He ran and then he wanted to be carried.  Dad and Bryan oblidged.  I had Sylvie in the backpack, and she did a wonderful job.  We all walked down to the water and along the boardwalk and then on the path with the big rock and in through the prairie.
I had a fun time taking pictures, and I’ve got to say, that I’m pretty happy with how this batch turned out.  Looking back, I’m glad that we could capture that afternoon and hold on to some of its brilliance.
Thanks, Dad, for spending some fun time with us!
Photos are in the gallery.