Sylvie is better!!

girlyincap.JPGOct. 24: Things are so much better.  SO MUCH BETTER!  Sylvia is over her ear infection.  I took her in to the doctor on Tuesday, and they declared her ears healed.  No fluid behind the ear drum.  And both those new teeth have cut through the gums.  So she has been feeling so much better.  She’s been happier, smilier…she’s even laughing again.  But the big news, the news that has rocked my world…she’s sleeping again.  She’s taking naps that last about two hours.  Regularly.   After about 20 minutes, I listen and brace myself, but she sleeps on and on.

Here’s the kicker – last night she didn’t wake to nurse all night.  I fed her at 11pm and then at 6am.  I don’t remember getting that much continuous sleep.  It may have happened since she was born, but I don’t recall such a miraculous event.  Oh bliss.  Even if it was a one-time thing, I’m happy!  And so is my rested girl.  And that’s what matters most:)