Thoughts this Tuesday morning

Aug. 19: Sylvia is taking a nap.  Ahh, relaxing one-child home.  Andrew woke up around 5 this morning and wanted breakfast.  I was dimly aware of Bryan emphatically informing Andrew that it wasn’t time to be out of his bed yet.  Andrew’s been pretty interested in learning to tell time.  He doesn’t get the whole big/little hand thing, but he likes to look to see when it is snack time (10am and 4pm).  Just now he looked at the clock in his room and told me that it is 9am.  It’s neat to watch him learn!
I’ve been loving watching the Olympics every night.  I really, really like the Olympics.  It’ll be a little sad when they are over…
On Saturday, Joe and I hung out and went shopping for new shoes for him for the fall.  I love spending time with my siblings:)  He leaves for Bowdoin on Friday.  Egad!  Becky is starting school at Williams this fall in Massachusetts.  I’m really proud of her…for those of you unfamiliar with small liberal arts colleges, Williams is regularly ranked #1.

Dad came over for lunch on Sunday, and we had a brat and hot-dog picnic.  Dad had some fun Sylvie and Andrew time, and Andrew again requested that he be able to “go to Grandpa’s house with no Mommy and no Daddy.”  We could drive him there “and then leave.”

clothes.jpgI went through all Sylvia’s clothes on Sunday and pulled out outgrown ones and added in the six-month-sized ones.  This was pretty exciting for me because a) I LOVE baby clothes and b) because my favoritest clothes that I got for Sylvie before she was born were of the 6 month variety.  See her for a sample.  Oh, I love baby clothes!  When Maretta was in town, the two of us went through four boxes of children’s clothes from Dana and my mom to identify clothes we thought we’d use.  I then compiled those clothes with the bags upon bags of clothes that my friend Pam had passed on to me, the items I’ve received from Kathy, and the items I’ve purchased myself or been given as gifts.  My basement shelves of children’s things have now transitioned from a complete disaster to a harmonious, well-labeled piece art. (well, maybe that’s overstating things slightly).

Yesterday the kids and I hung out with Jessica, Eli, and Celia for the morning.  It was so nice to see them again!  I think it’s been almost a month!  Then I braved both the post-office and Woodmans (I now have several gray hairs and wrinkles forming), and my car overheated.  So it’s in the shop.  Terry came over for supper.

Andrew’s begging for a snack.  He no longer likes to eat food at meal time and is constantly asking for snacks (than he then doesn’t tend to eat).

Me: “Andrew, is there anything you would like me to write for you?”
Andrew: “Noooooooo!!!”  (runs away)

OK, that’s it from us today!  Joe and Becky are coming over to play, so we’re looking forward to spending time with them!
Ta ta!