This makes me want to do something

Aug. 19: Bryan and I support a variety of charitable organizations.  Since I was about eight, I’ve been giving money to environmental groups – the Natural Wildlife Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Federation, the Humane Society.  I’ve also supported animal therapy groups like Paws for a Cause.  In times of crisis (9/11, Katrina), we support the Red Cross or the United Way.  We support Wisconsin-based environmental groups like Gathering Waters.  We give to Carleton, and when Wisconsin’s ban on gay marriages was on the ballot, we gave significant donations to Fair Wisconsin.  We’re also starting a small endowment at the Madison Community Foundation in order to cement our family’s charitable giving tradition.
But I’ve never been that inclined to support organizations that help people in need.  I’m not sure exactly why, but it hasn’t been my focus.  However, after reading this article, I feel pretty moved to do something…either financial or personal…to help the women in the Congo.  This article moved me profoundly.  I also watched a show on PBS called A Walk to Beautiful about doctors who are helping Ethiopian women with heartbreaking childbirth injuries.  I’m thinking about supporting the Fistula Foundation.
I think that being a mother of  two kids makes me feel some kinship with these African woman.  Living such a comfortable life, having had good labors and healthy kids makes my heart goes out to them and to want to help them with their sorrows and celebrate their strength.  I want to help make life a little bit more OK for these people who could, I’m sure, be my friends…