I love weddings!

jenniferwedding.JPGAug. 16: Grace and I had a great time in Vermont at Jennifer’s wedding.  Vermont is such a beautiful place.  I was there several years ago with Wes and Sarah.  This was a very short visit, but it reinforced my opinion that I would get along very well living in Burlington.
Pictures from the wedding are now in the gallery.
Grace and I met on Friday late afternoon at the Burlington airport.  We met up with Jennifer and her friends and family at a park on Lake Champlain for supper.  We were all staying at the same hotel, and our room was a nice suite, so after putting Sylvia down for bed, Lara, Reid, and Jennifer came over to watch the Olympics and hang out.

On Saturday morning, we met up with Jennifer, bridesmaids Amanda and Lara, and Do’s sister to watch Jennifer get her hair coiffed.  Afterwards we ate breakfast at a delicious creperie called The Skinny Pancake.  Thumbs up for nutella and strawberries on crepes!  The wedding was at 2:30, so we headed back to the hotel to get dressed and then drove about a half hour south of Burlington to the beautiful park where the wedding was held.  I had fun taking pictures as the wedding party got ready.  Thunder rumbled in the distance as the wedding began…and about 10 minutes into the ceremony, the thunder and lighting got close enough – everyone headed to the backup indoor location.

I thought it was pretty cool that while having a wedding rained out mid-ceremony could be a worst-case scenario, in this case everyone was calm and happy and it didn’t seem to be a problem one bit.

After the ceremony, I took loads of pictures while a) grace took care of Sylvia b) some other interested person took care of Sylvia or c) Sylvia was happy on my back in the carrier.  She did splendidly for the whole trip.

On Sunday, Grace and I met up with the bride, groom, and bridesmaids for a breakfast at the Penny Cluse Cafe.  Again, VERY good.  Afterwards, Grace and I spent a couple hours wandering around the Church Street Marketplace, a pedestrian mall with some really great shopping.  Some of my favorite stores were Hatley, Sprout, and a cool camping store called the Outdoor Gear Exchange.  Then Grace and I took a tour of Lake Champlain Chocolates and partook of some hearty samples.  We also left with chocolate to take home:)  I prefer dark, Grace prefers milk chocolate.
We had a late lunch at Vermont’s Culinary Resort before running back to the airport.  And the whole time, Sylvia did great!

What a great trip!  Grace, I hope you didn’t come down with whatever I got sick with on Tuesday!