I need my sister to live with me

marettanadsylvia.JPGAug. 15: I’m doing a huge amount of posting these last days.  I’d like to dole it out more evenly, but that’s not how my life works:)
On Sunday, August 3, Maretta drove down from St. Paul to spend the week with us.  She stayed at our house, and we spent a lovely, full week together.  I’m so appreciative that she sacrificed a week away from her new husband to play with us.  And just so you know, she has scored a job at Penumbra Theater company working on costumes for the show Fences.

I’ve decided that my life would be notably calmer, happier, and more fun if an adult whom I love and who has no kids could hang out with me at least 12 hours a day.  No Kidding.  Having Maretta around was awesome.  And that’s just from a child care and mental health perspective.

Maretta and I went down to Janesville to visit Mum early in the week.  Speaking of Mum, I got a call from Debbie, one of her friends, the other day that she had fallen and Debbie had taken her to the hospital.  Another friend was spending the night with her.  X-rays showed that she hadn’t broken anything.  Debbie’s increased the assistance she’s receiving at her assisted living home.

Maretta and I spent a couple days clearing out her room at Dad’s house.  It’s a small room, but there was a lot in there!  We packed up four garbage bags to take to Good Will and filled the minivan with things for her to take back to St. Paul.

We didn’t end up getting to go shopping together…that’s one thing I really like doing with my sister…but we had lots of other good times.  We got together with Michael and Joe for lunch – one of the first times I can remember that the four of us kids have been together sans significant others or parents.  Andrew and Sylvia were hangers-on.  Maretta, Sylvia, and I had dinner with Terry.  I think he liked going out with his three girls.  Then on Friday night, Maretta, Bryan, and I had a get-together with Terry, Dad, Becky, and Joe to watch the opening of the Olympics.  We ordered Chinese food, and I made peach shaum torte and peach ice cream.  Good stuff!

I was sad to see Maretta go on Saturday, but I’m so glad we got to spend a whole unstructured week together.  Now that she really, truly lives in a different state, I appreciate these times we spend together even more.

PS.  LuAnn or Melanie, if you’re reading this, “sister” can be replaced by “mother” or “sister” if you’re interested!