Summer evenings in Madison

lizanddave.JPGJuly 25: I just love this time of year.  In the past I haven’t been as big of a fan of summer.  Fall and spring were my favorite seasons.  And maybe they still are…but right now I can think of no time I’d rather have it be than late summer.  The fireflies are lighting up our yard with their dances each night.  I made avocado ice cream last night from The Perfect Scoop.   Bryan and I took a walk with Sylvia before dinner, and we talked and pushed her in a stroller, and it was so peaceful.  I’m really enjoying this one-child vacation!
On Wednesday night, we attended our first Concert on the Square this summer.  It was a soft and mild summer evening, and the light was great so I took lots of photos.  Bryan and I have been filling our evenings recently re-watching Band of Brothers.  Last night, we watched the last three episodes.  What a great show.
Sylvia is squealing and spinning in her exersaucer.  She’s improving her sitting skills by the hour.  It’s a lot of fun to get to focus just on her for a bit here.  But I think she misses the excitement of her fabulous big brother:)
Off to Texas tomorrow morning!  Word from the grandparents is that he is having a tremendous time.  What a lucky kid:)