Happenings this past week

pool.JPGJuly 24: I got photos downloaded off my camera yesterday afternoon (post-Andrew departure), and it reminded me of all the fun things we’ve had the chance to do this last week.  I really like this staying at home gig.  It provides lots of opportunities to spend time with my kids and people I love and for us to do all sorts of fun things.  And the weather!  It’s been gorgeous!
Pictures of our galavanting adventures are in the gallery.

Last Friday, we went to the County Fair with Uncle Bubba.  I’d stayed home all day on Thursday, and it had driven me slightly mad.  I’m just not that good at being home in the house with both kids and no activities or adult interactions all day.  Nope.  So Friday afternoon, Uncle Bubba rescued me from myself by meeting us at the fair.  We walked through all the barns and saw large numbers of animals.  It was kind of amazing to see how much Andrew has grown and matured.  He was intrigued by the animals, ran up to try to pet them, and even let a woman pick him up and put him in the pen with a couple huge pigs.  Last year, he was facinated but very hesitant and the year before he was interested but rather terrified.  He’s really growing up!

On Sunday, I helped co-host a baby shower for Sarah.  Her mom and sister and neice drove up from Chicago, and we all had a really fun time.  Andrew loved eating the M&M’s.  We drew pictures on onesies and chatted away the afternoon.  Sarah’s due in late August/early Sept., and it’s a lot of fun to anticipate the arrival of the wee one.

The night before we had gone to a baby-welcoming party for another Sarah (Wyatt’s mom).  Her baby is due (via c-section) tomorrow!  She’s looking so great and strong…it’s going to be fun to see Wyatt as a big brother very soon.

Sunday evening, Andrew went to a Mallards baseball game with Bryan and my dad.  It was my dad’s birthday present to the little guy.  Andrew had an absolute blast.  He came home nearly vibrating with excitement and spilling over with tales of jumping in the big blow-up duck, playing in the sandbox, and eating popcorn, a hotdog, and potato chips.  Oh, yea, they also watched a few innings of the game:)

On Tuesday, Jessica, Eli, and Celia came over and we all enjoyed a fabulous summer day together.  While Jessica was point person of the 4 (four) kids, I headed up a craft project of dying play silks with kool-aid.  Years before having kids, I was really, really wanting to fill my life with colorful play silks.  But for $11 each, I just haven’t been able to justify it.  So I was pretty excited when I found that you can get silks for $2.50 each and dye them with a few packets of Kool-aid!  We made 16 silks.  The boys even helped with some of the stirring and dye-packet-dumping.  I now dance around the house just like these kids.

So it’s been a good week!  Happy summer!