Babies Everywhere!

clay.JPGJuly 30:  We got home from a great vacation in Texas visiting Bryan’s family (more on that in an upcoming post), and when I checked my email this morning, I had notes from three (3) (III) friends who had babies!  Holy smokes!  Add in a baby born earlier this month and two (2) (II) friends who’ve told me in the past couple weeks that they are expecting babies, and we’re having a baby fiesta here this July!  And three more friends are expecting babies in August!

So which babies were born?

Wyatt, Andrew’s little friend, has a new little brother – Clay Oliver.  He was born on Friday, July 25, and the word is that he’s doing really well.  He was 7 lbs, 5 oz and 20 inches.  Sarah and Steve are now parents of two:)  Sarah had a planned c-section since Clay was breach, and she had some medical complications afterwards, but now all is well, and we’re really glad we live with 21st century medicine.

suvi.JPGLucy is another mom in my Happy Bambino group.  Her daughter, Isobel, is a big sister now that little Suvi Jane has made her appearance.  Lucy was 10 days over due, and her labor culminated in an emergency c-section, but all is well, and it sounds like Suvi is a pretty mellow little person.  She was born 9 lbs, 11 oz!  What a cutie!

zachary.jpgMy friend Liz from Michigan also had a baby in the last several days.  Her little boy, Zachary, was born a couple weeks early.  Liz and I went to Botswana together in 1997.  Her little guy was 6 lbs, 4 oz. and 21 inches.

sutton.JPGBryan’s high school friend, Mark, and his wife Brytt had a baby girl, Sutton Eileen, on July 9.  She weighed in at 7 lbs, 10 oz, and is 20 inches long.  Congratulations all!

As if that wasn’t enough, one of my favorite blogs, The Pioneer Woman, has gone baby-crazy because her sister had a baby boy.

And babies on the way?  Well, one is not-yet public so I can’t yet say.  The other is long anticipated makes me so very happy.  Julie and Jerry have had a really rough last 15 months.  They had two miscarriages, but as of today, they are 10 weeks along with a much-desired pregnancy.  Julie has been posting updates on her website.  Grayson should be a big brother in February!

In the next month or so, my friends Sarah, Jen, and Mandee are all heading toward delivery.  Babies Everywhere!