Sylvia these days

fivemonths.JPGJuly 16: Sylvia is five months old now.  Hard to believe!  Andrew was five months old around Thanksgiving of ’05.  I still think that they look a lot like each other.
So here’s a snapshot of some of the cute things that our little girl is up to these days.

  • She’s smiling.  A LOT.  With her big gummy grin.
  • She’s rolling…mostly from back to front.  But she’s very good at it.
  • She loves to fall asleep by rubbing a soft blanket on her face.  And sucking on her paci.
  • She wakes up two to three times a night.  Sometimes more…and that’s no fun.  Sometimes just twice.  She goes to bed around 8 and usually wakes at 12, 2, 4, and then 6 am starts the day.
  • Around the end of June (so when she was about 4 1/2 months), she stopped crying/singing when in her car seat.  It was around the time she was getting better at grasping toys.  The difference in my life has been notable.  Going places is so much less stressful!  Now crying in the car is not nearly so common.
  • She’s also been doing great in the bike trailer.  We’ve done several rides in the last week, and the only time she really got crying was when Big Brother bit her finger.  Not sure what he was thinking there…it didn’t seem to be maliciously intended.  She started screaming so I stopped the bike and went to pick her up, wondering if the sun got in her eyes or if her tummy hurt her, and Andrew said cheerfully, “I bit her, Mommy!”  Sure enough…teeth marks on her finger.  Anyway, that’s another story.
  • When Sylvia is on her tummy, she often pushes up with her arms so she can get a good look around the room.  It’s a really cute pose.
  • She’s also working on sitting up.  She can reach out in front or to the side to balance herself (sometimes), but she needs someone ready to catch her at all times!
  • Sylvia thus far is not so in to books.  She does like faces, and she’s been reacting strongly to the books I just got her with photos of baby faces.  However, the reaction is fiercely screeching.
  • Over the weekend, she started adding the “D” sound into her vocabulary.  She does a lot of “aahhh” and “ooohhhh” “ooooo”  “ggaaaahhh” “gooooo” normally, but “daaahhhh” and “doooo” and “ah da ah da” is new.  She say it a lot.  Especially AH DAH.
  • She’s got a great laugh.  And she laughs most of all for her beloved brother.  He can make her laugh in a second.  My assessment is that she’s over the moon about him.  And he about her.  And he’s working on being gentle.  Babies are so cute, sometimes it’s hard not to want to pinch and squeeze and nibble upon them.  At least I think so!
