These are the days of our lives

Feb. 26: I think Sylvia is starting to look a bit older.  I can’t quite pinpoint where the changes are happening, but she doesn’t look as newbornish to me as she did last week.  Yesterday was her two-week birthday.  She’s currently nestled on my chest, her long fingers gripping a handful of my shirt.  I can almost hear her thinking, “Can’t I nurse again while I sleep, Mom?”
She did a cluster-nursing marathon last night, starting about 6 pm and finally falling asleep for a couple hours around 8 am.  I really don’t think she stopped nursing for more than about a half-hour at a stretch all night.  I think this is the nursing mania that proceeds the 2-3 week growth spurt.  Makes for one tired mommy, though!
Fortunately, Andrew was perfectly content letting me sit on the sofa and talking him through his bird book or exclaiming as he jumped off the sofa onto a pillow 53 times.
Sylvia just decided that sleeping on me wasn’t quite what she wanted.  She wants, very strongly, to nurse while sleeping.  She normally fusses for about 10 seconds before letting out a shriek, but this time there was nor warning.  It’s a stunningly loud sound, somewhat reminiscent of a red-tailed hawk.  OK, now she’s a happier girl.  Good thing I didn’t have anything planned today!
On Sunday, we drove down to Monroe to see my grandma.  She was happy to see Sylvia, and she held the little one in the crook of her arm for quite some time.  Poor Grandma is so very frail.  The skin on her hands felt almost transparent.  And from the sounds of it, her recently-diagnosed stomach cancer isn’t giving her much opportunity to eat or drink.  As she said, it’s a hard place to be.  It was nice to sit with her, though, and to share Andrew and Sylvia with her.
Sunday night, Sylvia and I went to my friend Sara’s house for an Oscar party.  I love watching the Oscars.  And now I not only have my fashion tank filled but I also have lots of new movies to add to my Netflix cue.
Yesterday was my first day home alone (but just for the morning) with the kiddos.  We packed up and went to the Pinney library branch story hour.  A good way to spend some time.  I took advantage of my at-home day today by baking a couple loaves of whole-wheat bread.  It’s a new recipe that I got from one of LuAnn’s friends.  So far, I give the dough some big thumbs up:)
Bryan just got home for the afternoon, and I’m going to take Sylvia in for her two-week appointment in a bit here.  Have a good day!