What day is it, again?

kisses.JPGFeb. 23: I have utterly lost track of what day of the week it is.  I haven’t forgotten that it is winter, but that’s only because of the pervasiveness of the snow.  Bryan has been off work for the last couple weeks, and our days and nights all blend together.  It’s been a good last week here in the Dotzour home, so I guess knowing the date is
just one of those things I’ve decided don’t matter right now.
Bryan heads back to work next week, but he’s only working in the mornings.  He should be home in the afternoons, so that should be a nice transition.  Bryan’s mom and dad and Melanie and Ben fly into town next Friday, and LuAnn is staying until Tuesday.  Then my friend Grace is coming into town on Wednesday, March 5 and staying through the weekend.  Then Joe will be home from Bowdoin until March 23.  Maretta will be home as well from March 14-23, so I imagine that there will be lots of opportunities to have another adult around.

On Thursday, I did my first trip solo with both kids.  It was pretty low-key…I took them to Gathering Waters to have lunch with my co-workers.  Vicki arrived the same time I did, so I even had help getting all my stuff in the building.  Karen held Sylvia the whole time – and she loved it.
Yesterday I ended up staying in my pajamas all day long, which was mostly nice, but I kind of felt like a human milk supplier/pillow for the littlest one.  Sylvia vastly prefers to sleep on a person than in her chair.  And in general, I think she deserves whatever makes her happiest.  I hope the magazines I got at the library today will help give my brain something to do during the sweet hours spent with the little one.
Today Sylvia had her first restaurant experience.  We went to Rocky’s, where Andrew ordered a slice of pizza “with pepperoni and sausage, but no mushrooms.”  When did he grow up?
We are planning a trip to Monroe to see Grandma tomorrow morning, and at this point, we’re enjoying a quiet and sunny wintery Saturday.  see, I now know the date:)  Pictures from the last couple days are in the gallery.