Support at the end

Jan. 21: I got a really sad phone call last week from one of my co-workers.  Her dear friend has been dealing with breast cancer for a couple years, and Karen just received news that Cindy only has weeks left to live.  Although I only know Cindy slightly, my heart just aches for her family.  To know that another group of loving, supportive people are in the process of switching gears from treatment to maintenance to saying goodbye.  The worst part is that Cindy has two young kids.  That makes me so sad and scared.  It makes me cry to see again the strange twists that life can take.  No matter how much we all try to do the right things in our lives, sometimes things just don’t work out how we would like them to.  I keep trying to live life the best ways that I know how, but I think that the last year has encouraged me to hang on to the current moment more than ever before.
Oh, and I so want to be around to see my babies grow up.  Everyone should have that.  The alternative is just far too sad…for everyone.