So much cuteness

tubby.JPGJan. 20: I feel like I have a whole book full of stories I want to share about Andrew.  He’s been doing such cute things!  This morning, for example, he slept late (7:20) and crawled into bed.  He was so sunshiny and loving.  The sun was out, so as I attempted to open my eyes, he had his nose touching mine, and he smiled as he blinked along with me.  Then he crawled over my (enormous) bulk to cuddle with Daddy.  He turned on my CD (James Galway) and told me when he was hearing the flute or the harp.
Bryan and I finished painting and decorating the bathroom last night, and I had put wall stickers up.  Andrew was pretty impressed to patter into the bathroom and see frogs and butterflies and caterpillars and other garden critters all over.
The little guy has needed a hair cut for quite some time, and after breakfast this morning, my little lion cub sat in front on his favorite show (Fantasia’s “Horses” aka the Pastoral Symphony).  Mommy Lion trimmed his curls while the little lion cub watched his show while sitting on the coffee table.  I’d done past hair cuts in the bathtub or longer ago in his high chair.  The video-watching scenario worked well.  I just hope I didn’t cut too much.  After I get it wet and can see how it curls up, I’ll know for sure.

Pictures from the last several weeks are in the gallery.