Thoughts on switching jobs

gwc.JPGJan. 21: Andrew and I are enjoying our first day of my new job as stay-at-home mom.  Well, were I still at work, I would have had today off, so may tomorrow will be more like the first official day that I won’t be reporting in to the Gathering Waters office like normal.  I had a really nice last few weeks at work.  Mike Carlson took over all my policy work, and I think he’s going to do a great job.  Liz is going to be taking on some of the more administrative parts of my job.  I sense is that they’ll all miss me and that it won’t be the same without me (so that makes me feel needed), but that they’ll get along alright without me (and that makes me feel like it’s OK to go).
By working part time the first three weeks in January, I was able to get all the loose ends of my work wrapped up.  My co-workers threw me a really fun going away party last Wednesday.  Activities included toenail painting, eating yummy food, watching a cool slide show about reasons they will and won’t miss me at work, reading a flow chart that describes how to get two children out of the house and into a car in summer or winter, and generally being silly.  I just simply love my co-workers.  So it’s a good thing that I’ll still see them lots in my new life.  We’ve got lunches planned:)
Last Thursday (my last day), we had a board meeting and a fancy Stewardship Fund celebration reception in Milwaukee.  I liked having the opportunity to say goodbye to our board members.  And it was fun to have my last work event be a party!  Some pictures of my going away party and the Stewardship event are in the gallery.