Naptime hello

laughingandrew.jpgDec. 24: Andrew is napping for the first time in the past three days.  He really needed it!  This morning, he was in pretty rare form, and I think he threw about 8 tantrums over the course of a few hours.
After sobbing in Mark’s library for a while because I had handed him the wrong book (a wrong that just could not be righted in his mind), he suddenly stopped crying, came out, and said, “I was very sad.  I’m sorry.  I feel better now.”  This morning, he woke early and came around to cuddle with me in bed for about 20 minutes.  Then he climbed over me, and woke Bryan by saying, “Daddy, it’s Christmas Day!!”  When corrected, he wasn’t that phased, and happily shouted, “It’s Christmas Eve!”
We’ve barely talked at all about Santa or what happens on Christmas.  Last night, though, I read him The Night Before Christmas.  He was absolutely enthralled.  It didn’t take any more than one reading of that story for him to grasp the idea that Santa comes down the chimney and brings presents.  My tiny tot’s eyes were definitely all aglow:)
Today we’re doing lots of food preparation, puzzle assembly, and napping.  For our Christmas eve dinner tonight, we’re looking forward to pork tenderloin, rolls, other-things-I’m-sure, and pie.  Andrew’s looking forward to leaving cookies out for Santa.
I have finally updoaded some pictures to the gallery too…