Dotzour Christmas Letter

Dec. 23:  I got my Christmas cards out quite a bit later than normal this year (doing the Babler family cards earlier this month slowed me down! ) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas celebration this year.  My 2007 Christmas letter is below…

December 2007
Dear friends,

It’s been quite a year!
In June, Andrew celebrated his second birthday with nearly his entire immediate family in attendance.  He’s beautiful and charming and stretches us each and every day.  Identifying letters and animals keep him endlessly amused.  His sweet little voice warms our hearts, and his determination keeps us on our toes.

In June we also learned that we’re expecting a new addition to our family.  My belly has expanded to huge proportions, and the “little sister” as we call her is expected to make her appearance in early February.  I’ve been having fun finding the cutest little girl clothes!

Life since July has taken some really difficult turns.  We had all so hoped that my mom would continue to beat the odds, but that just wasn’t how life played out.  I’m still trying to adjust to the idea that she is gone.  I don’t imagine anyone is ever ready to say goodbye to their mommy.

After losing Mom in August, we had a couple additional partings coming our way.  Bryan’s grandpa, Dandy, and my grandpa (my dad’s dad) both passed away in October. We miss them both – especially during these holiday times of family togetherness – but we also celebrate their lives well-lived.  What a rich heritage of families and work and values they leave behind!

We’ve experienced the richness of life’s arch this year.  Beginnings and endings.  We’re thankful for the wonderful and strong circle of friends and family who have gathered close around us this year.  I feel so grateful for the strength and love of the people who support us.

Life keeps moving, and our work lives have experienced some changes this year as well.  In September, Bryan found a new job.  For the last few years, he has worked for Widen Enterprise in the field of “digital asset management” (helping companies store and access photos of their products).  In his new job, he is a software engineer with a small microbiology company called OpGen that is working to develop technologies to help diagnose diseases by looking at the genetic makeup of bacteria.  While he misses his past co-workers, I’ve think the change has been a good one.  Bryan has been energized by his work and has been learning and stepping up to some exciting challenges.

I’ve been at Gathering Waters Conservancy for four years now, and I just love my work.  However, over the last months, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching, and I’ve decided that when the new baby comes along that I’m going to stop working and stay home with her and Andrew.  I’m nervous about stepping away from a field that I care about so much, but I’m also excited  about the opportunity to spend a lot of time with our little ones.

I hope all is well in your lives, and I want to offer my sincere thanks for all the caring we have received this year.  I feel really lucky.  On behalf of Bryan, Andrew, and myself, Merry Christmas, and best wishes for a new year that holds many wonderful surprises!