Merry Christmas!

christmasmorning.jpgDec. 25: Christmas Day greetings to all my friends and family who may be checking up on the website!  We’ve enjoyed a really nice morning together so far.  Ben and Mark have spent the early afternoon playing with their toy helicopters and cars.  Melanie is working on some wooden puzzles.  Bryan’s trying out some new music on new headphones, and I just finished setting up a web camera I got for Bryan’s parent’s so we can try doing video calls over the internet.
LuAnn put Andrew down for his nap, and he is now peacefully sleeping.  My family is home in Wisconsin at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.  Sounded like they had a full house, with all my dad’s siblings and my cousin Abe and his family in attendance.  Grandma is at the nursing home/rehab center, so I’m sure it’s a different feeling Christmas in Monroe without any grandparents in at home.
We had a breakfast of pulla this morning…a cardamom bread rolled with almond and raspberry filling and shaped like a wreath.  Then for lunch, we enjoyed chili made by Melanie.  Since I burned my tongue by eating it too soon, I needed Blue Bell ice cream afterwards:)
Ben and Melanie are still in town until tomorrow night, and we’re still here until Friday, so there’s a feeling of lazy relaxation.  It’s nice to still be in your jammies at 3 pm on Christmas Day:)
Lots of photos from our morning are in the gallery.