Ahh vacation!

Dec. 23: We are happily settled in at Bryan’s parent’s house in
Texas. We flew down on Friday, and Andrew did a really great job.  It was his first flight in his own seat, and he was so excited about seeing Granny Lu and Grandad in TEXAS.  It’s neat to see him getting to a point where he remembers things and can hold onto a thought for a longer period of time.  Here in College Station, the sun in shining, and the last couple days have seen temperatures in the 60s or even 70s.  Lovely.
I’m getting to wear some of the nice summer maternity shirts that people lent me, and Andrew had had ample opportunities for backyard play.  Yesterday, LuAnn and Melanie and I left Andrew with the guys and we took the afternoon for some girls time out.  Did a little last-minute shopping and had a fun time being together.
It feels really good to be “on vacation” after the last month of fun (but very busy) activity.  I’m relishing the feeling of switching gears from the go-go-go of holiday parties and Christmas preparation to a lower-key, just hanging out kind of lifestyle.  We had a family poker night last night, which is always a lot of fun.  Plus with “Christmas Edition Poker,” all players ended the night with a gift card.  Fun surprises at
Christmas time:)
It’s hard to believe we still have two days until Christmas.  The way the holiday fell this year means that we get to see Ben and Melanie for much longer than normal.  They drove down from Dallas on Friday night, and they don’t need to leave until Wednesday, so our time together is quite extended.  It’s a great treat:)
Andrew is enjoying putting puzzles together with his Granny Lu this morning.  He’s so excited to be here:)  Hope all your Christmas preparations are fun!