Joe’s posts from Sri Lanka

Feb. 9: A couple days ago, Joe made several posts to his website about his experiences as he begins his semester in Sri Lanka.  I’d been jonesing for an update and his descriptions helped me feel like I’ve gotten a glimpse of his life with his host family.  I’ve copied his posts below, or you can read them on his website:

New Posts

Hey hey.  There are three new posts below.  It seems it will be pretty hard for me to get to the internet/make phone calls/send individual emails/etc.  So if you want to communicate with me, comments on *this* post would be best (until there are new posts, and then those accordingly).  I replied to some comments a few posts below, and will do so accordingly on here.  It feels a little weird to be herding people to contact me like this, but I like you all and can’t manage to do so any other way.

Thanks!  And I’m off to the north of the country for a week (but not that far north)!

Child care respite

Feb. 9: Yesterday (Sunday) was Sylvia’s due date.  She was a few days late, but I so clearly remember how I felt this time last year…wanting to get that little baby born!
Since Bryan’s parents were both home yesterday, they suggested that I take off for a few hours in the afternoon.  I didn’t take much convincing!  So I went out and did a little shopping…  I found a pair of cute heels for $11, and I got a pedicure and am now sporting purple toe nails!  Sylvia is very intrigued by them and keeps checking them out:)
I came home for a quick clothes change and a hello to the kids, and then Mark and I went out to hear a Beethoven symphony.  LuAnn got the kids supper and put them both to bed, and Mark and I went out to dinner together.  So thanks to my incredibly awesome parents, I got about eight hours off from any parenting duties! Amazing!

In other news, Sylvia learned how to nod yesterday.  Now when we ask her a question, she often nods “yes” in response.  Previously, she only could shake her head “no,” but “no” meant either “yes” or “no”!

We’re here!

Feb. 6: The kids and I had a good day of plane travel yesterday, culminating with a joyful greeting of Granny in the College Station airport.  Andrew and Sylvie did a great job on our flights, and the flights couldn’t have been smoother.  In fact, our flight from Madison to Dallas got in a half hour early.  I was happy to have one less half hour to keep the little miss amused:)
Andrew has been vibrating with enthusiasm since a couple days before our trip, and since we’ve been here, he’s been in a state of general rapture.
The day is sunny, the weather is warm, and me thinks we are going to have a lovely day!

Off to Texas!

snowfamily.JPGFeb. 4: When I drove to the gym at 6am, the thermometer said 0 degrees.  That’s just one of the many reasons that I am super-excited about our upcoming trip to Texas!  The kids and I are flying down to stay with Bryan’s parents tomorrow.  Bryan will join us on Sylvia’s birthday (Wednesday the 11th).  Then we all get back home the following weekend.
Andrew has been frolicking about for the last several days with happy anticipation about seeing Granny, Grandad, Melanie, and Ben.  It’ll be so fun to see them and to hang out in a new location for a while!  Bye bye (for a while) cold winter!

The girl knows her mind

purpleshoes.JPGFeb. 3: I was grocery shopping at Woodman’s yesterday.  Sylvia identified something she wanted and was trying determinedly to catapult herself out of the grocery cart.  A kind, elderly woman standing nearby commented, “My goodness, it seems like she really knows what she wants.  You wouldn’t think she’d be old enough to know what she wanted!”  Then the nice woman walked away, leaving me speechless.  I think my jaw may have dropped.  Because, quite truthfully, Sylvia has known what she wanted since the moment she came into this world.  And really, woe be it to she who tries to convince her otherwise!

As I was putting Sylvie to bed tonight, I was reminded of two areas that she continues to feel adamantly about.  The girl has an abiding opposition to books.  She also really can’t stand it when I try to soothe her with lullabies.

Since she was old enough to focus her eyes, she has arched her back and turned away when I hold a book in front of her.  She has no interest.  Zero.  I’ve tried reading her the same two pages of the same book for several weeks, and she stopped crying, but she is much happier when I don’t try it.  Occasionally, she’ll glance at the page, but she then tries to shut the book.  It’s, well, interesting.  The big exception is Pat the Bunny.  She really enjoys that book and does all the activities.  It’s so cute to see her smell the flowers, play peek-a-boo with Paul, and put her finger through Mummy’s ring!  So we’ll keep trying.

As for lullabies, even when we were in the hospital after her birth, she would wiggle uncomfortably when I would sing to her.  We sang to Andrew all the time.  I grew hoarse singing him to sleep.  For Sylvie, however, the best way to calm her when she was tiny was to hold her tight against my body and leap exuberantly up and down while kinda shouting “SHHHHHHH SSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!”  Then we learned about the effectiveness of the oven exhaust fan.  And I found myself buying her a $50 machine whose sole purpose is to make white noise.

I’ve since read several of Mary Sheedy Kurcinka‘s books, and I’m finding that Sylvia’s temperament can be (currently) characterized as “energetic” “persistent” and at least for sound “sensitive.”  She notes right in her book that kids with these personality traits can have a hard time sleeping because they are easily stimulated (even by things like lullabies) and often find things like white noise machines helpful.

This reminds me that I loved The Happiest Baby on the Block and recommend it to new parents.  And Mary Sheedy Kurcina’s book Raising Your Spirited Child is a wonderful read for parents of children with all personality types.  Her book Sleepless in America recently encouraged me to try putting Andrew to bed earlier.  He’s now getting about an extra hour of sleep a day, and that’s been a good thing all around.

I’m interested to find where Sylvie’s determination will take her in life.  She’s quite the girl!

Andrew’s crazy about letters!

letterwriting.JPGFeb. 3: Andrew has been loving letters.  This morning, for example, he woke up at 6am when I was heading out to the gym.  I tried to convince him to go back to bed, but he didn’t want to go.  When I asked him what he would do to amuse himself, he said, “Write letters” and sleepily stumbled into the sunroom to his chalkboard.
Tom has been coming over most mornings the last couple weeks, and he and Andrew have been writing up a storm.

Andrew has been writing capital letters.  He’s writing lower-case letters.  He’s making letters out of play-doh and blocks and string.  He’s trying to read words every-which-way.  When the mood strikes with this kid, I need to be ready to go!

It’s been great having Tom over, because he’s a great teacher and follower, and he and Andrew have been having a lot of time to write together.  Sylvia doesn’t always make it super-easy to write with the little guy.  She wants to eat chalk!

In other news, both kids have been pretty sick this past week.  Andrew’s mostly better, but Sylvia is a miserable wreck.  Poor darling clearly feels awful.

Time out with chocolate

Feb. 3: Moments ago, I could be found sitting on the kitchen floor next to an open cabinet door.  This gave me easy access to the bag of chocolate chips I have stashed there.  Usually I grab a handful here and there, but I kinda needed a good luxurious time with my chocolate bits.  So there I was, sitting on my dirty kitchen floor in my workout sweats, ignoring the unhappiness coming from the other room, and reaching into my secret stash for just one more taste.
In the words of, “Just keepin’ it real.”

Above freezing!

snowaball.JPGJan. 31: The kids and I are having a great day today.  Bryan is doing a chess tournament at the technical college.  Andrew’s still got a bad cough, so since he’s sick, I let him watch Lion King.  He’s watched Robin Hood dozens of times, and he watches segments of animal documentaries nearly daily, but he’s only seen other feature-films rarely.  Having watched Lion King a couple times in the past couple years, he was nervous about the scary parts.  We talked about them a lot, and he’s very intrigued with this new movie.
Sylvia took a good hour-and-a-half nap this morning, and then we bundled up and went to the Overture Center for a Kids in the Rotunda performance.  Afterwords we met up with Terry for lunch at the Plaza.  It felt so nice to walk around outside when it was not bitterly cold.  I think the thermometer said 36 degrees.  That’s about twenty degrees over what it’s been recently, and we enjoyed it!
Sounds like Bryan’s home now, so I’ll run.  Have a great weekend!

Photos of Joe in Kandy

joe_kandy_lake.jpgJan. 30: I just got a fun note from the directors of Joe’s Sri Lankan study abroad program.  Sounds like all is well.  They have updated the program’s website with photos of the student’s travel, arrival, Sinhala lessons, and meeting of host family.  We should get three more such updates over the course of the next four months.  You can see all the pictures on the ISLE website.
Also, if anyone wants to write to Joe, send him packages, or anonymous love letters, his snail mail address is below.

Joseph Babler
c/o ISLE Center
75 Dangolla Road
Kandy, Sri Lanka