Joe’s posts from Sri Lanka

Feb. 9: A couple days ago, Joe made several posts to his website about his experiences as he begins his semester in Sri Lanka.  I’d been jonesing for an update and his descriptions helped me feel like I’ve gotten a glimpse of his life with his host family.  I’ve copied his posts below, or you can read them on his website:

New Posts

Hey hey.  There are three new posts below.  It seems it will be pretty hard for me to get to the internet/make phone calls/send individual emails/etc.  So if you want to communicate with me, comments on *this* post would be best (until there are new posts, and then those accordingly).  I replied to some comments a few posts below, and will do so accordingly on here.  It feels a little weird to be herding people to contact me like this, but I like you all and can’t manage to do so any other way.

Thanks!  And I’m off to the north of the country for a week (but not that far north)!