Andrew’s crazy about letters!

letterwriting.JPGFeb. 3: Andrew has been loving letters.  This morning, for example, he woke up at 6am when I was heading out to the gym.  I tried to convince him to go back to bed, but he didn’t want to go.  When I asked him what he would do to amuse himself, he said, “Write letters” and sleepily stumbled into the sunroom to his chalkboard.
Tom has been coming over most mornings the last couple weeks, and he and Andrew have been writing up a storm.

Andrew has been writing capital letters.  He’s writing lower-case letters.  He’s making letters out of play-doh and blocks and string.  He’s trying to read words every-which-way.  When the mood strikes with this kid, I need to be ready to go!

It’s been great having Tom over, because he’s a great teacher and follower, and he and Andrew have been having a lot of time to write together.  Sylvia doesn’t always make it super-easy to write with the little guy.  She wants to eat chalk!

In other news, both kids have been pretty sick this past week.  Andrew’s mostly better, but Sylvia is a miserable wreck.  Poor darling clearly feels awful.