Just back from a great trip to Wichita

grandadjeep.jpgApril 11: It was a tough night tonight, but the little guy finally fell asleep. (I hope.)  He couldn’t seem to get calmed down for bed this evening.  One of those nights that I am so glad that Bryan and I can tag team and help get Andrew down together.
Andrew has graduated from saying, “Ba Ba BA!” to saying entire sentences in “Ba.”
Sometimes he seems to be telling a story or explaining a complex thought.  We just need a translator to stick in our ear so we can understand what he’s telling us:)
We had a wonderful visit with Andrew’s great-grandparents in Wichita last weekend.  Granny Lu, Grandad, Aunt Melanie, and Uncle Ben all drove up from Texas too, so we had a great time together.  I loaded way too many pictures in the gallery of our visit
with grandparents and an evening we spent with Bryan’s pal from high school, Julie Anderson.  Julie, Jerry, and their one-year-old, Grayson are such great friends.  I’m glad we get to see them when we visit Wichita.

While we were in Wichita, Ben’s brother, Tim, took family pictures for us.  I’ll put up a link when they are posted, but in the meantime, you can see Tim’s photography on his website.
I believe that spring has come to Wisconsin. The weather here is so balmy and sunny.  I wish I could freeze these days and eek them out over several months (maybe February and March).  Happy almost easter!

Mom’s scan shows she is cancer-free

April 11: Three months after Mom’s major surgery up at Mayo, she is feeling good, had her last round of chemo, and got positive news from her recent cat-scan.  We met with Dr. Diggs today, and he said that the radiologist who reviewed her cat scan said that they can’t find any signs of cancer.  Yay!
She ended up having her last round of chemo today.  When she went in to have it last week, they said that her white blood cell counts were too low.  So nearly 11 months after discovering that nasty tumor, Mom is completing her last round of chemo on the clinical trial in which she was participating.
She is now in the process of trying to get enrolled in a new clinical trial at Northwestern University that would use a vaccine to fight any remaining cancer cells in her body.  More about that when we hear back from Northwestern.
So Mom will probably be tired and a little under the weather this week, but it’s the last week, so that is great!

Mom’s last round of chemo is tomorrow

April 3: Mom is nearing the finish line for her clinical trial.  The last round of post-surgery chemotherapy is tomorrow.  And she received some promising news last week — she may be a good candidate for a clinical trial vaccine that we have been researching. The pancreatic cancer vaccine clinical trial is based at Northwestern University in Chicago.  If she decides to participate, Mom will go down for 12 injections over the course of about six months. Click here for more info on the clinical trial.
Here’s an article on cancer vaccines from WebMD.
Johns Hopkins has a different kind of vaccine, but they have a nice website that describes in a flash movie how a pancreatic cancer vaccine works.

Joe’s going to college in Maine!

joebowdoin.jpgApril 3: On Saturday, Joey finally heard back from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.  He was accepted!  Bowdoin was his first choice, and after an agonizing couple of days, he confirmed his decision today by sending in an admittance fee and his acceptance card.  So come the end of August, Andrew, Mom, and I will be driving Joe out to Maine.  He is so excited (and I’d guess a little nervous)!  On Sunday, Bryan and I hosted a party to celebrate his acceptance.  We had clam chowder and "polar bear burgers" since the polar bear is Bowdoin’s mascott.  For more info on Bowdoin College, visit their website or see the photos from the trip Joe and I took to Maine in October.

Continue reading “Joe’s going to college in Maine!”

Nine months update

easterandrew.jpgApril 3: Andrew had his nine-month doctor’s check up today.  My mom watched him in the morning while I went in to work for a few hours (I normally have Mondays off).  Then we went to Andrew’s appointment.  Our little guy is growing well.  He’s holding steady between the 25th and 50th percentile in weight and height.  He weighs 19 lbs 8 oz and measured 28 inches long.  I cannot believe how much he has grown!  He’s eating all kinds of mushy fruits and vegetables and is enjoying tiny chunks of cheese, tofu, and of course, cheerios.
This morning, I found that Andrew has cut his third tooth.  It’s the upper left one, and I think the upper right isn’t far behind.  He’s been drooling lots, but aside from that, I haven’t noticed much crankiness (which is great!).  Pictures in this week’s album include Andrew playing with his friend William, decorating for Easter, and little photo shoot of Andrew playing with eggs.
We fly out to Wichita on Thursday, and we’re really looking forward to a visit with Granny Lu and Grandad, Aunt Melanie and Uncle Ben, and with all Andrew’s great-grandparents and Wichita friends!

Two chemo treatments left in this round

momandandrew.jpgMarch 26: Mom only has two more chemo treatments of the gemcitabine in this clinical trial (March 28 and April 4).  And so far, from the perspective of someone who a) isn’t taking the treatments and b) doesn’t live with the person taking the treatments, the chemo seems to be going really well.  Mom gets pretty fatigued the week of the treatments, and she has some good drugs that help with the nausea.  I think she still doesn’t feel right in part because of the surgery and in part because of the extensive radiation she had last summer.
All that said, this round of chemo hasn’t hit her to hard.  She hasn’t lost her hair, and there haven’t been that many days that she has really felt rotten.  We’ve spent most Mondays together, usually shopping and/or spending time with “Dr. Andrew.”  So it’s been about as good of a round of chemo as we could have hoped for.
In other good news, a law was passed on Friday that requires insurance agencies to pay for clinical trials for cancer patients.  We’re looking at a couple clinical trials that Mom might try this summer, so this could be really important.  The American Cancer Society played a major role in promoting this legislation.

Governor Jim Doyle today signed Assembly Bill 617, the “Cancer Patient Protection Act,” legislation that will help ensure cancer patients can receive the treatment with the highest likelihood for success by requiring insurance companies to cover treatments associated with clinical trials.

“It is unconscionable that a cancer patient should have to pass up therapies that could significantly prolong or even save their life because their insurance company won’t pay,” Governor Doyle said.
“The Cancer Patient Protection Act will help make sure every treatment option is available to cancer patients, and I am pleased to sign it into law.”

Last year, more than 26,000 people in Wisconsin were diagnosed with cancer.  For those suffering from cancer, clinical trials offer some of the most cutting-edge treatments available.  But thousands of patients opt out of these treatments because their insurance requires them to pay out-of-pocket.  Many times these treatments are routine, like chemotherapy, which the insurance company would pay for if it wasn’t a clinical trial.

Assembly Bill 617 protects cancer patients from having to make treatment decisions with their pocketbook.  It guarantees clinical trial participants the same insurance coverage for their routine care through a clinical trial that would get if they chose a standard treatment.

Additionally, because this bill will make clinical trials a mainstream treatment option, it will encourage more people to participate in cancer research, which can ultimately save many more lives.

Governor Doyle thanked Representatives Scott Gunderson and Sheldon Wasserman, as well as Senators Cathy Stepp and Jon Erpenbach for their work on the bill.

Houston, we have movement!

andrewwithbooks.jpgMarch 26: Andrew is such a content baby…he hasn’t really seen the necessity in struggling to move about.  Looking at the toys he wants is almost as nice.  But in the last week or so, Andrew started to scooch around on the floor on his belly. His transmission system has only figured out the reverse gear, but it’s fun to watch him move up to a few feet backwards in his attempt to get a toy.
He lies on his tummy with his arms “airplaning” out to the side and then pushes up.  Since his feet are usually hovering above the ground, pushing up causes him to slip backwards a couple inches.  He is starting to figure out that he can move right or left by picking one of his hands up.  It’s a major focus of coordination to keep one hand holding himself up while the other moves to the side.
Pictures of Andrew from the last week are in the gallery.

Andrew’s favorite game these days is “empty out the box of books.”  He also enjoys its close companion, “empty out the box of toys.”  These games are followed in interest by the surefire “drop the toy off the high chair tray.”  He loves to be read to, and he knows how to turn pages (and as we discovered, rip the pages of non-board books).  Oh, and on Thursday, he started clapping his hands for the first time!  He likes the sound they make when they clap, and he watches them with rapt attention.
We’re going to Wichita in two weeks to see his great-grandparents and Granny Lu and Grandad and hopefully Ben and Melanie too.  We’re already excited!
It’s a time of major learning and growth in Andrew’s world.  He’s a wonder to watch.

Week of Celebrations

marettandkyle.jpgMarch 26: Late March is always a time for celebration in the Babler family.  The 19th is Michael’s birthday and the 25th is Joe’s birthday.  But this week we had loads to celebrate!  Kyle brought Maretta home for spring break on the 18th, and to our surprise and delight, they announced that they’re engaged!  Yay!  They’re looking at a wedding in two years when she graduates from St. Kate’s and he finishes his master’s at the U-Minnesota.  Joe has heard back affermatively from several colleges, and on Sunday the 19th, Mom and Dad renewed their wedding vows.  It was a wonderful day. Many pictures from the festivities are in the photo gallery.
Since Maretta was home for spring break, we got to see her several times over the last week, and we had some fun times together.  Mom’s birthday is on April 7, and then Maretta and Kyle are planning to come down for Easter weekend, so the festivities will continue into the next month.

Carpe Diem Party for Mom – Save the Date!

You’re invited! 
Memorial Day weekend marks the one year anniversary from my Mom’s cancer diagnosis.  We’ve had a trend of good news the last few months, and it is high time that we had a celebration.
My plan is to bring together many of the people who have and continue to care for, think of, and pray for Mom over the last year.  I’ve got to think that part of the reason she is doing so well is that she has such a wonderful community of people who love her and who are bolstering hope.

So let’s get together to celebrate Margot!

Date: Saturday, May 27 (Memorial day weekend)
Time: 11 am – 4 pm
Place: Token Creek Park, Shelter #5 (just north of Madison on Hwy 51)

For directions, click on the link below.
RSVP to adotzour@gmail.com or 608-223-9539..
Yay!  I love parties!

The entrance to Token Creek Park is on Highway 51, one-half mile north of I-90/94.  It is on your right, just after the Pine Cone filling station. Shelter #5 is toward the back of the park.  Follow the road up the hill and keep your eye open for balloons!
A map is included below. If you have other questions, please give me a call.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

StPatrick.jpgMarch 17: Andrew is so cute this morning in his outfit of green.  We took some photos of our little leprechaun, and before I dash off to work this morning, I thought I’d put them on the website so you can see him too

This week’s gallery update also includes photos of a gathering we had with some of Andrew’s friends on Monday.  It is so fun to watch him interact with other babies.
Have a lovely St. Patrick’s Day!

Wee Bit O’ Irish
You’re the flash and sparkle in dark Irish eyes.
You’re the whimsey and charm of leprechaun guise.
You’re the treasured gold at the rainbow’s end.
You’re the beauty and mystery of emerald glens.
You’re the top o’ the mornin’ – my cup of tea.
You’re springtime adornin’…blessings on thee.

Continue reading “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”