Nine months update

easterandrew.jpgApril 3: Andrew had his nine-month doctor’s check up today.  My mom watched him in the morning while I went in to work for a few hours (I normally have Mondays off).  Then we went to Andrew’s appointment.  Our little guy is growing well.  He’s holding steady between the 25th and 50th percentile in weight and height.  He weighs 19 lbs 8 oz and measured 28 inches long.  I cannot believe how much he has grown!  He’s eating all kinds of mushy fruits and vegetables and is enjoying tiny chunks of cheese, tofu, and of course, cheerios.
This morning, I found that Andrew has cut his third tooth.  It’s the upper left one, and I think the upper right isn’t far behind.  He’s been drooling lots, but aside from that, I haven’t noticed much crankiness (which is great!).  Pictures in this week’s album include Andrew playing with his friend William, decorating for Easter, and little photo shoot of Andrew playing with eggs.
We fly out to Wichita on Thursday, and we’re really looking forward to a visit with Granny Lu and Grandad, Aunt Melanie and Uncle Ben, and with all Andrew’s great-grandparents and Wichita friends!