Week of Celebrations

marettandkyle.jpgMarch 26: Late March is always a time for celebration in the Babler family.  The 19th is Michael’s birthday and the 25th is Joe’s birthday.  But this week we had loads to celebrate!  Kyle brought Maretta home for spring break on the 18th, and to our surprise and delight, they announced that they’re engaged!  Yay!  They’re looking at a wedding in two years when she graduates from St. Kate’s and he finishes his master’s at the U-Minnesota.  Joe has heard back affermatively from several colleges, and on Sunday the 19th, Mom and Dad renewed their wedding vows.  It was a wonderful day. Many pictures from the festivities are in the photo gallery.
Since Maretta was home for spring break, we got to see her several times over the last week, and we had some fun times together.  Mom’s birthday is on April 7, and then Maretta and Kyle are planning to come down for Easter weekend, so the festivities will continue into the next month.